99 pressed air. The simplest forifiQf sprjjeir S3f Stilish <3aai? acter is a bottle fitted with a q^e£Sai tube and an india ^ / rubber ball or bag, sucih as is us^^rj^hairdressers. SuchX,' ^ a sprayer answers all right for ^r^y^^--sniall_4^ff^r '^j/^ Another and still more useful sprayer^x^^iXrf^i^1?^^^ is a brass or nickel apparatus, fitted with an air pump-and a chamber capable of holding four pints of liquid. In this case the insecticide or fungicide is first poured in and the orifice securely closed and then a few strokes given by the air pump to charge the apparatus with compressed air. By turning a tap attached to the delivery nozzle the air then forces out the liquid in a fine spray. Yet another type of sprayer is the hand pump. Thds consists of a suction tube of metal or rubber placed in an ordinary pail, a delivery metal or rubber tube, and a piston fitted with a crutch or a metal crank handle. At the base of the main cylinders is a foot rest for the operator to stand on whilst using the piston. One hand in this case works the latter, while the other is employed in holding and directing the spraying tube and nozzle. Such an apparatus is suitable for spraying dwarf fruit trees, roses, or for syringing wall fruit trees. Still more useful for general spraying potato crops is the knapsack sprayer. There are many different kinds on the market. They are -made of copper or tinned copper, and fitted with straps so that they can be carried on the back of the operator. Their average weight when empty is about i4ilbs., and they hold 3^ gallons of liquid. They are fitted with air chambers and internal or external air pumps. The pumps in this case are worked by the operator by one hand, while the other is employed in directing the delivery tube and nozzle. Each is provided with a short length of hose and a brass lance 3 feet long to which the nozzle is attached. For tall trees a bamboo lance 5 feet lo^g is used. Some forms of knap-sack sJprayers are worked by compressed air forced into the air chambers beforehand. They are fitted with a pressure gauge, and also a safety value. These are termed " pneumatic sprayers." It is only necessary in their case to turn a tap to discharge the fluid. Care of Spraying Machines.—All machines im-